A quaint new town where life finds its inspiration amidst the vast shimmering sands and lush green open spaces. With 8,000 to 10,000 square foot lots, the expansive backyards of the homes at the Farm Gardens can accommodate swimming pools, agricultural pods, and other leisure features. The meticulously designed 4- and 5-bedroom villas offer gracious living and wonderful architectural touches throughout with two different exterior design schemes, each layout accommodating comfortable living spaces with a unique combination of interior design finishes.
- Swiming Pool: Yes
- Petting Zoo and animal farm: Yes
- Desert Majlis and bonfire: Yes
- Type: Villa
- Security: 3 Step Security
- Yoga / Event Lawn: Yes
- Ghaf Forest: Yes
- 3rd Party: No
- Outdoor Fitness Station: Yes
- Kids Play Area: Yes
- Water: City